ชื่อเรื่อง |
Midwifery skills at a glance / [edited by] Patricia Lindsay, Carmel Bagness, Ian Peate. | พิมพ์ลักษณ์ |
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2018 | ครั้งที่พิมพ์ |
1st ed. | เลขเรียก |
WQ165 M629 2018 | ISBN |
| ลักษณะทางกายภาพ |
xii, 186 p. : ill.; 28 cm. | หมายเหตุ |
Contents: Infection prevention and control -- Hand hygiene -- Infectious diseases in pregnancy -- Modes of transmission -- Asepsis and sepsis -- Moving and handling -- The control of substances hazardous to health -- Safety in the working environment -- Sharps injuries -- Working safely in the community -- Personal hygiene care for women-- Perineal and vulval hygiene; use of bedpans and commodes -- Pressure area care -- Risk management, liability and avoidable harm -- Types of incident, incident reporting, record keeping and duty of candour -- Audit and quality assurance in maternity care -- Safeguarding vulnerable women -- Safeguarding of children: key issues -- Female genital mutilation -- Assessment, examination, screening and care of the woman and baby -- ?Booking?: the initial consultation with the midwife -- The antenatal appointment: physical and psychological assessment of the woman in pregnancy -- Abdominal examination in pregnancy -- Physical and emotional assessment after birth -- Assessing the woman in labour -- Abdominal examination in labour -- Vaginal examinations in labour -- Positions in labour and birth --supporting and caring for women in labour -- Supporting and caring for the partner -- Care of the perineum in labour including episiotomy and suturing -- Examination of the placenta and membranes -- Urinary catheterisation -- The fetus in pregnancy and labour -- Assessing fetal wellbeing in pregnancy and labour -- Monitoring the fetal heart in pregnancy and labour -- The Apgar score -- The midwife?s examination of the baby at birth including identification of the neonate -- Appearance and characteristics of the well term neonate -- Overall daily assessment of the term neonate including vital signs and bladder and bowel function -- Newborn and infant physical examination -- The term, preterm and growth-restricted baby -- Providing daily hygiene for the neonate including changing a nappy -- Bathing the newborn -- Breastfeeding -- Formula feeding -- Other feeding methods -- Neonatal blood screening (?heel prick?) -- Maternal venepuncture, including glucose tolerance testing -- Cord blood and neonatal capillary blood sampling -- Venous cannulation of the woman -- Urinalysis -- Specimen collection ? stool specimen -- Taking a wound swab -- Use of a vaginal speculum and taking a vaginal swab -- Membrane sweep -- Insertion of vaginal prostaglandin E2 -- Artificial rupture of membranes -- Recognising the deteriorating woman -- CVP, Spo2 and ECGs -- Fluid balance monitoring -- Peak flow measurement in the woman -- MEOWS, AVPU, GCS and SBAR -- Care of the deceased -- Recognising deterioration in the neonate Neonatal jaundice -- Hypoglycaemia -- Hypothermia -- Wound assessment -- Wound dressings and drains -- Wound closures -- Assessment of venous thromboembolism risk and prevention of deep vein thrombosis in childbirth Application and use of compression stockings -- Drug administration in midwifery -- Drug administration, handling and storage -- Administration by injection to the woman -- Intravenous administration of drugs -- Medicine administration by oral, rectal, vaginal, topical and inhalation routes -- Neonatal drug administration-- Immunisation -- Regional analgesia -- Non-pharmacological methods of pain relief -- Transfusion of blood and blood products -- Anti-D: preventing rhesus isoimmunisation | หัวเรื่อง |
Midwives | หัวเรื่อง |
Pregnancy--physiology | ผู้แต่งร่วม |
Lindsay,Patricia, editor | ผู้แต่งร่วม |
Bagness,Carmel, editor. | ผู้แต่งร่วม |
Peate,Ian, editor. |